Category Archives: New Mexico

Texas, New Mexico, Colorado

Please excuse my absence. Last Monday, Joe and I left for a quick trip to Colorado to pick up our grandsons. I’ve been to New Mexico and Colorado, but never on this route. Even though most states have a unique look (and some more than one, ahem), it’s amazing how much the terrain changes around the states’ borders.

West Texas

Windmill at Texas Panhandle Sunset

Texas Panhandle Sunset

Approaching the New Mexico Mesas

New Mexico Mesa

New Mexico Lava Field

Colorado - just over the New Mexico Border

Raton Pass, Colorado


Typically, I’m not a mountain person. It seems that most people are drawn to either mountains, water (specifically the ocean) or deserts. I’m an ocean girl. Living on Galveston Island is one of my favorite daydreams.

However, I must say – Colorado was stunningly beautiful.



And then we got into the Aspens.

First Glimpse of the Aspens

Lots more on this tomorrow.


Filed under America, Autumn, Colorado, Family, New Mexico, Texas